Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page offers our Discover After School families the answers they’ve been seeking. We’ve divided the page into four sections:
Program Questions
Discover After Schools Before & After School Programs offers everything your child needs to be successful in school and beyond.
Q: What takes place in our programs?
At Discover, we understand the importance of giving students the opportunity to complete their homework each day. Our homework rooms are quiet and equipped with all the necessary items to complete their homework. Our Troop Leaders provide guidance and support to the students while also providing correspondence to the regular school day teacher and to the parent that homework was completed.
Every day we are shaping successful and responsible citizens through character development on a weekly basis. Our students are taught practical principles of character through various activities and exercises.
Our Before & After school program is based upon S.T.E.A.M activities. These activities take on an integrated approach to learning and teaching, which requires an intentional connection between curriculum learning objectives, standards, and lesson design/implementation. S.T.E.A.M is our definition of adventure to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design while having fun. Through S.T.E.A.M our students can draw a connection with passion and career exploration.
Every day we are shaping successful and responsible citizens through character development on a weekly basis. Our students are taught practical principles of character through various activities and exercises through RHN.
Our Quests begin with an entertaining story, our students and their parents or caregivers are engaged through a series of quests that engage the families in unexpected ways of developing literacy. Each QUEST also includes methods to bring the learning into the home. With inquiry-based learning, the students’ questions, ideas, and observations are placed at the center of the learning experience.
Students explore and participate in stimulating morning activities which include yoga, reading, writing, games, and team-building activities.
Here at Discover, we offer career exploration, which enables students to gain insight into potential careers. Students learn what skills are necessary for a particular career and what those who are in the profession do as part of their job. With this information, students can imagine themselves in careers that suit them. Discover offers career readiness through cooking, engineering, math, art, technology, and more. Career exploration experiences and opportunities can improve academic performance. Career exploration improves students’ knowledge of career options, encouraging them to develop and work toward their goals during the years. Students will develop many skills as they grow such as communication, organization, problem-solving, and self-confidence.
Q: Who do I contact? The contact page is your best bet to start the conversation.
- Site Director’s are here to help when:
- Your child won’t be attending attending the program for more than one week.
- Your have quesitons about the sign-in or sign-out processes.
- You have questions or concerns regarding the program your child is enrolled in.
- You have questions about your bill.
- You have FSA paperwork to be completed.
- Customer Service‘s here to help when:
- You need enrollment assistance.
- You would like to discuss matters that do not pertain to your individual site.
- You need a copy of a statement from a previous year.
- You would like information on upcoming families, events, and classes.
Q: Are all program offerings available everyday? Each day is uniquely themed, but the concepts follow a Monday-Friday schedule.
Daily Activities
Science Seeker Mondays: Interactive projects and experiments
Tame Technology Tuesdays: Coding, media, photography and more
Explore Engineering Wednesdays: Adventurous problem solving and critical thinking
Adventure Arts Thursdays: Art and and music history, theory and innovation
Moving Math Fridays: Dance through time telling, math facts and counting money
Q: How do I find out if Discover After School is at my child’s school? Locate your school on our interactive Location map. If your school is shown as one of the many locations, you’re in luck; if not, don’t fret you can still participate in our seasonal camp offerings.
Q: Are any snacks provided or do I need to provide my child a snack? We provide snacks to the students at dismissal. If you would like for your child to have a different snack, please feel free to pack healthy snacks for your child to enjoy during snack break.
Q: Can I sign my child out for an appointment and return them to after care? Students can be signed out for parent-teacher meetings at school, and returned to the program. If students are signed out of the program and leave campus, they are unable to return to the program that day. If you need further information, please contact your Site Director.
Q: What is the ratio for each troop? Our troops have a desired ratio of 25 students to maximize each child’s experience in Before or After Care.
Q: What are Before & After Care hours? Before Care is 7:00 am until the first bell. After Care starts at school dismissal and runs until 6:00 pm.
Q: How do I check my child in and out? In order to sign students out, parents and guardians must present their identification / PIN. Once the Director and Staff become familiar with individuals, you may no longer need to present your identification. However, please present identification when asked. Non-parents or guardians must be added to the authorized pick-up list and show some form of identification at pick-up. This can be done by calling the parent relations department or emailing your Site Director.
Q: How do you handle the safety of the children? Safety is our first adventure, and your child’s safety is our number one priority. Our staff is CPR and First Aid certified. WE complete multiple drills in order to ensure that our staff and students are safe and aware of our protocols in case of an emergency.
Registration & Enrollment Questions
Q: How do I enroll in a program? You’ve made such an exciting decision to be a part of our Discover family! You can sign up on the Registration section of the Before & Aftercare, Middle School Programming, VPK Wrap Around Care, or Discover Camps pages.
Q: Can I enroll at a nearby school if my child’s school does not have Discover? If we are not at your child’s school, unfortunately your child would not be able to attend our before and after school program; however, your student is eligible for the Camps during Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer break. If you feel so encouraged, you’re welcome to pass on our School Administrator Interest form to the relevant school employee.
Q: Can my children attend every other week? We understand that families’ needs are different. If your child will only attend every other week, please email discover at your school to make us aware so that we can notate your account. You will be billed as per normal for our payment policy. However, the week your child does not attend, you will receive a credit the following week.
Q: Can you walk me through enrollment? Call our team at 407-395-3553 and we will gladly assist you in registering ‘My Account’ using ProCare.

Billing Questions
Q: When are payments due? Our accounts are invoiced every Tuesday and payments are due every Wednesday for the following week of care. Payments are late as of Thursday. If you are unable to make a payment, please make your site Director aware. Any account with a balance, will result in the student having to be removed from the roster for the following week. .
Q: Can I pay in advance? You are able to pay ahead in your parent portal. If you would like to have a credit to pull from, you can easily make a payment for any amount of your choosing regardless of the balance shown.
Q: How can I pay? You can submit payments through your parent portal using a Debit or Credit card. We do not accept checks, money orders, or cash.
Q: Can I pay a drop in rate? Unfortunately, we do not prorate. If your student attends at least one day during the week you will be billed for the entire week.
Parent Portal Questions
Q: How do I access the My Account / Parent Portal / Procare? To access the Parent Portal, simply click the ‘My Account’ link from the navigation menu on the website.
Q: What features are in My Account / Parent Portal / Procare? Your Parent Portal allows you to make payments, register for programs, and edit your contact information.
Q: Am I able to add authorized pick-up individuals in the Parent Portal? Yes, you may add authorized pick-up individuals in your Parent Portal.